Martin Saddlery Serial Number Information
Learn More About Your Saddle by Martin Saddlery
We get a lot of requests to decipher serial numbers on saddles. Below we explain how to decipher your serial number. Most Martin Saddlery serial numbers can be found under the leather flap of the seat jockey. They are stamped towards the front on the mounting side of your saddle.
How to read your Martin Saddlery serial number

Before 2017
The first 6 are saddle specific serial numbers (315822)The last 2 digits represent the gullet width (7W - 7inch Wide)

2017 to Present
The first two numbers represent the year (2018)The next two numbers represent the model (14 - HP)
The next 3 numbers represent the seat size (150 - 15inch)
The next 3 numbers represent the gullet width (070 - 7inch)
The last 5 numbers are is a factory serial number specific to the saddle (00154)
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